Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Would I use Geometry as a nurse? In the Navy as a nurse? In the Navy? Well, yeah, but still.... not in the field I want. Why do I want to know how to prove whether or not two lines are parallel? I guess just to expand my mind, and make it easier if I should change my desired line of profession to engineering or something like that.
For anyone who might in their right mind read this, I do like my high school, I normallydo like math, but geometry is a pain. If any nurses or doctors or...... any enlisted or officer personnel should read this, post a comment, sil vous plait.
Have a wonderful day.


Blogger alabamapenguin said...

i hate Geometry too!!!!!!!! I didn't know anyone else felt the same way as me about Geometry. i want to be an ET (Electronics Technician) when I grow up more. I really don't know what proofs help us with in the real world without math problems put in front of you by a teacher. I know you will be a good nurse because you have a heart for everyone you meet. I made the soccer team, I don't know if I told you yet. I don't see any geometry in soccer. i understand the angles of you and the ball and the goal as an angle. i dont use it everyday though. well i hope this helps you know that others feel the same as you do.

3:46 PM  

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