Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Girl Problems....

Yeah, it's me again. Who else? I guess this is turning into my online Diary, accessable to everyone with a computer and internet service, but only read by 3 people.
Anyway.... Girl Problems, so Dustin, unless you really want to hear, turn back the page now. Yeah... you guys all know that I am basically a social outcast.. Well, not really, but you catch my drift. I guess I just.... I think too fast and I change the subject so rapidly that No one can really follow what I'm saying. Like, I'll say something totally relevant to me, but it'll be really random to everyone else, then I have to backtrack. Very time consuming, lemme tell ya. That must throw a lot of people off, especially guys. One of my guy friends explained that to me when I asked him why guys don't like me. He said that I change attitudes so quickly, it confuses people. I like guys who I know will never like me, or if they do, can't ever go out with me. Such as now. I have a crush on a guy who is taboo to me. See, there cannot technically be any affection between us, so even if he did like me, I couldn't date him. I guess it's like that syndrome where one "falls in love" with the doctor who heals them, or the friend who helps you. Geez. What's the matter with me?
Anyway, a good day to you and yours, and all of God's love to you.


Blogger alabamapenguin said...

That sounds like me until Nelson asked me out. He is really cute. You will find a guy I know you will. You may already have him. You have friends that are guys and they hang around with you. They obviously like you or they wouldn't be hanging out with you. Think about this.


1:37 PM  

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