Saturday, January 21, 2006

Another competition!!!

Hi there! We did pretty well today, and we won a first place trophy for basic armed drill!! Causey (our CO and commander of the drill team) was so proud of us and so pleased he was crying. He's a senior, and he's never won anything with us, so this really meant a lot to him.
None of us really expected to win exhibition anything, and it turns out we placed about 8th or 9th out of 17 (really good!).
Unarmed basic didn't place in the top 5, and neither did my colorguard, but I think we were really really good.
The academic test was so hard! The top score out of the 170 cadets that took it was a 71.. we don't mess around with our academics! Sadly, we didn't place in that either, but it was still a really good learning experience.
Personnel Inspection is usually our strong suit, but for some reason we were really off today. Last year we placed 3rd out of 16, this year we didn't place at all. Oh well. Now we know for next year!
We had a blast going to and coming from competition on the bus.. let's just say we had some pretty interesting sing alongs and we'll just leave it at that haha!
Everyone was dancing and messing around before the awards ceremony and just having a good time.. I got the guidon and was waving that around, then handed it off and started my white girl dance Oh yeah. hee hee. the other kid with my last name was doing his cool little Russian dance, where you squat down and pop back up in rhythm, and he's good at it! I think our school had more spirit than anyone else there, but who am I to say? We didn't win spirit award, tho.
Causey was so happy he invited everyone over to his house for a party to celebrate, but obviously I didn't go, seeing as how we got back too late for my mom to let me go.
All in all, a good learning day.
Much love to my people,


Blogger Hamartia MacGuffin said...

Congrats on the successes! Placing first isn't always the most important thing - it's cool that you know that.

Too bad you couldn't go to the party. Maybe next time.

11:15 AM  

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