Thursday, May 19, 2005

male chauvanist pigs..

Yes, I have come to the conclusion, once again, that males are chauvanist pigs. Why do you say that, Miranda? you ask.. Because most are. No offense to Mr. Ken or any other non pig. At least in the military they are. Former Marines and wannabes, anyway... YES, I'M TALKING ABOUT FIRST SERGEANT, SMITH AND SPILLANE!! Sorry to have grouped all of my male readers into that little group there.
We walk into East Ridge's cafeteria to perform a colorguard for a women's college softball/baseball tournement opening ceremony. The aforementioned men were drooling all over themselves. "Spillane, you have a girlfriend." "Yeah, but I can look! If I acted on it it would be different." Men. Are. Stupid. Let's beat them with sticks. Not all of them, just the idiots who drool all over themselves when they see a pretty girl walk by. But then, they're wired for it. Aren't they. Yes. these are usually the same idiots who don't get to know people and just just look at our appearances, and pass judgement on that alone. Remind me to stick with the guy I'm with now. At least he got to know me and my feminist self.
That's enough of a ramble for now.
Have a blessed day!
Love from Miranda


Blogger alabamapenguin said...

ur right sista!! preach on!! i think it's an impulse. at least my guy too looks at other things. he's seen me look horrible and he doesn't care, he likes my personality. or at least i think so. well i need to go to bed, big test tomorrow in history, worth 200 points. yippi(sarcastic)!! this could make me not exempt. I hope not. well ttyl,

8:15 PM  
Blogger Randi said...

Meriah, the guy I'm with is nonexistant.. in my imagination.. or something to that effect... if only I could get a straight answer out of somebody... ha ha! I'm so funny.
<3 Miranda

12:41 PM  
Blogger Randi said...

I would just like to point out that First Sergeant is forty-friggin-eight years old. Ok? Ew. Some 48 year old man checking out college girls.... Ew. ew. ew. call me crazy, but yeah. EW.
Heart Miranda

1:25 PM  

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