Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Pray for us

Don't know if you've read this already, but I thought I'd put it up anyway...
I need you guys to pray for a few people...
My friend John; his father is dying of cancer.
Heather Crawford: She was killed last monday coming to school. Pray for her family and friends.
God bless.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Outburst and recovery

Sometimes I get so tired of being the good, reliable, dependable, smart little girl. I want to do something wild and unpredictable and crazy. But I won't let myself. I won't let myself sneak a sip of my parents liquor, or take some dip from the boys at school, or be a hopeless flirt. I won't let myself be intentionally hateful, or a bad student. I like it sometimes, though. I like always being there for a friend who's at their wits' end, to let them know that I am there for them. I like having good friends, who are good influences. I like being liked and respected by my friends' parents. I like being good, sometimes, and not frightening people with badness. I won't let myself go against a dress code, or disobey my parents, or sneak out of the house at night. I won't let myself kiss a stranger, or have pre-marital sex. I won't let myself break a law. I like it. I like it that pepople can recognize me as a Christian. Thank God for my conscience. Thank God for my love.
But there is something I've noticed: First Sergeant favors the pretty girls as opposed to the boys and us equally dedicated (if not more so) yet not so attractive girls. Seriously! Today he got frustrated and said that if any of us spoke out of turn, we would drop. I needed some paper, so I asked Nayelli if she had any. First Sergeant saw me talking, so I had to drop for 10. Ok, so he wanted Nayelli to drop too. She said she was answering a question, and he says, "Well, what did she ask you?" and she said "She was asking for some paper." I still had to finish my 10, though, but Nayelli didn't have to drop. Now, 15 minutes later, Shelly, one of his known favorite students, was talking. He gave her a warning. he didn't make her drop like me and Courtney, (neither of us are extremely attractive), and Nayelli talked her way out of it. He doesn't favor the boys. Just Brianne, Shelley, and Nayelli (all of whom he rags on, but he still favors them).. That is making me so mad. Sure, I might be blowing this out of proportion. But I thought it was noteworthy, if only in this. No offense intended.
And on a lighter note, I love you all.
Brownie (I changed that.. ha ha!)

Saturday, April 02, 2005


I had no respect for John T. Causey. I respected him as an officer, but I felt that he had done nothing to earn my respect as an element of our unit or just as a human being up until this point.
Then Thursday, during the AMI, I realized something: He cares about the unit. Whether or not it's for his own sake (he's going into the army when he graduates), he cares about us. When DeJan passed out during inspection, he was the one who carried her to the bench. He was the one who sacrificed class time (and possibly grades in Kregloe's class) for the good of the unit. Not Barajas (as far as I know), not any of our senior officers at all, just LT. JG Causey..
Mr. Causey, as a human being and an officer, I salute you.
And here's to all of you: May the road rise to meet your feet, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.