Friday, May 27, 2005

Balcony Scene From Romeo and Juliet: a Freshman Analysis

The balcony scene was a profound experience for Romeo. The woman he thought he loved did not return his affection, so to forget about her he went to a party and effectively did just that by meeting his rebound girl and future wife, the 13 year old Juliet. They both fell head over heels in love. Romeo, being the creepy guy that he is, snuck into her private garden where he heard the lovestruck Juliet say she loved him. Romeo was overjoyed when he heard this, but decided to let her keep going to boost his fragile male ego. Finally the "peeping Tom" confessed his feelings for her, which were, by his thinking, love.
Juliet was an innocent. She was hardly ever let out of the house, and I'm willing to bet the only men she ever saw were the servants and her father. I believe it was inevitable that she'd fall for Romeo; he showed interest in her. When he surprised her in her garden, she was, of course, a little embarrassed that he had overheard her. She admitted she loved him, he said the same thing to her, and she, using some sense, asked if he intended to marry her. She didn't want ot put her heart out there for him to trample over if he decided that it was too much torouble to continue seeing her. She loved him very much, and she wanted to be sure of his feelings for her.
So in conclusion, both kids were foolish. They were led by a love that would never work out for either family. Romeo was just on the rebound, and Juliet was simply swept off her feet. Many people have made that mistake, but not as many would interpret the play as I do: it was foolish.
And thus concludes my freshman analysis of the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Updated Summer Plans

Sadly, my summer plans have been changed. Ok, maybe not sadly. Here's the story, as bungled as only I can make it: Monday, shortly after posting my summr plans #1, my father came home with the news that he had called my doctor, and Dr. H said that he'd rather not have me off my meds for 2--4 weeks (Dad didn't really specify how long the training was), and seeing as how the Medical Officer at boot camp doesn't want to/can't legally handle medicines, I cannot go. I could smuggle the medicine in, but if they catch me, wouldn't they put "Kicked out of boot camp-- smuggling drugs"? I would hate for that to be on my record!
I have my first job. I am now a proud empl- er, Cast Member of Walt Disney World! Yay! Disney-MGM Studios Backlands in merchendising, which is nearby where my Dad works. So instead of boot camp, I'll be "moichen-dising"!
My grandma is taking my brothers and me to Daytona Beach for a nice little vacation, so I should probably talk to my schedular about that, yes? Yes.
That's just about it for now, thanks for taking the time to read!
Love from Miranda

Monday, May 23, 2005

Summer Plans.. Soon to be updated!

Hello, my stale, marshmallow... ah, forget it. School's out on Thursday, and so far, I have only one plan for the summer: Boot camp from July 17 through July 30. I've been contemplating getting my head completely shaved, so I won't sweat to death.. and also to look kinda cool. Oh, what a feeble joke. I'll walk into my sophmore year bald. That should be fun.
I need more plans, darn it! July is far away, and we don't have a community pool.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I am now the proud owner of eleven (count 'em, e-lev-en) ribbons. Ok, technically ten, but I forgot about Unit Service and Commander was pissed enough, pardon my french. I did not want to make him walk back to supply to get an eleven ribbon bar holder plus a unit service. No. Not a good idea to make Commander mad...der.
Hmm... so, I wish you all a good day!
Love from Miranda

Friday, May 20, 2005

Two Little words... NAIL POLISH!!

Muahahahahah!! I am evil in the flesh... I embarrassed 1st Sgt. in front of a few people... Who knew it was possible?
See, what happened was that on Wednesday 1st Sgt asked to borrow clear nail polish in order to repair a flag. Thursday I brought it in, being the "kind" soul I am. This morning I walked into CDR's classroom where 1st Sgt, CDR, Smith, and Causey were and asked, grinning the whole time, "Sir, can I have my nail polish back if you're done with it?" I have never seen that man grin bigger than he did right then.
Causey: "Oooh, sir, we were wonderin' why you had your hands in your pockets.. Let's see those nails!"
1st Sgt pulls his hands out of his pockets. No color on his nails, of course.
He then tells them why I brought in the polish.
Me: "Don't let him fool you, he asked for the bright red for his own personal use!" So, yes. I am mean sometimes. Darn it.
Anyway, love from the
Sea Biscuit.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

male chauvanist pigs..

Yes, I have come to the conclusion, once again, that males are chauvanist pigs. Why do you say that, Miranda? you ask.. Because most are. No offense to Mr. Ken or any other non pig. At least in the military they are. Former Marines and wannabes, anyway... YES, I'M TALKING ABOUT FIRST SERGEANT, SMITH AND SPILLANE!! Sorry to have grouped all of my male readers into that little group there.
We walk into East Ridge's cafeteria to perform a colorguard for a women's college softball/baseball tournement opening ceremony. The aforementioned men were drooling all over themselves. "Spillane, you have a girlfriend." "Yeah, but I can look! If I acted on it it would be different." Men. Are. Stupid. Let's beat them with sticks. Not all of them, just the idiots who drool all over themselves when they see a pretty girl walk by. But then, they're wired for it. Aren't they. Yes. these are usually the same idiots who don't get to know people and just just look at our appearances, and pass judgement on that alone. Remind me to stick with the guy I'm with now. At least he got to know me and my feminist self.
That's enough of a ramble for now.
Have a blessed day!
Love from Miranda

Monday, May 09, 2005

Specially for Bill

I think I've decided something: I'm not cut out for a leadership position quite yet. I mean, really! I'm just a first year cadet, and I'm sure there are many other cadets (upperclassmen, I mean) who could do a much better job than I could. I'm not good at marching people, or explaining myself, or giving a simple briefing, so please, Sir, give the armed basic card over to an upperclassman. I didn't ask for it. I appreciate it, I do, and I don't want to sound whiny, but I'm not ready for this position quite yet.. give me a couple of months.. If not, ok. I'll blunder through it. Congratulation to the other platoons for winning, is all I can say! ha ha
To Dustin: I'm very sorry about Staff Sergeant. His family is in my prayers. To Dani: I hope you're feeling better. To Mr. Stephen Pittara: congratulations, and you'll make it through. To Bill: Liz will appreciate it, and will you please update? To Elena: leave me a comment. To Ms. Frank: thanks for stopping by! To Kristin: Good to know you and Nelson had fun the other day! To Rachael: How are things going with you and Evan, the awesome viola dude? To Megan: Have a great day! To Zareen: Go Clements!!!! To anyone I may have missed, I'm really sorry, and have a great day!
May the embers from the open hearth warm your hands,
May the sun's rays from the Irish sky warm your face,
May the children's bright smiles warm your heart,
May the everlasting love I give you warm your soul.
Love to all my stale marshmallow projectile friends (a.k.a. "peeps") from the

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Let your voice be heard!!!

The following was on my brother's xanga site.. please go visit him too!

"Okay, I've found a solution to my boredom. Every now and then, I'm gonna do some commentaries on hot topics.
My first one shall be on an ever-contraversial subject: The seperation of God and State.
The following is a poem inside my yearbook.

Now I sit down in school
Where praying is against the rule for this great nation under God
finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
it violates the Bill of Rights.
And any time my head I bow
becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
might offend someone with no faith at all.
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible
to quote the Good Book makes me liable
We can study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandmentsare not allowed,
No word of God must reach the crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot: My soul please take!

....The government makes so much sense today, doesn't it?
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Now is your time to speak out and pass the word along."
Here are some comments found on his website..

I think the people of this great nation of ours needs to remember why we came to this land in the first place. We came to get away from religious persecution...and what are we doing to the Christians now? The exact same thing. *shakes head* People don't remember the past and end up making the same mistakes. What I don't understand is, we can't pray in a public place because it might offend a nonchristian and be violating their civil rights. BUT WHAT ABOUT OURS? Aren't our rights being taken away because we can't pray? We Christians have stood by and let one or two people take away our rights. It's not right or fair to us either. If they want to make a complete separation of church and state..why do we have christmas break? Christmas is to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth into this world. Easter celebrates his death. Yet we have state holidays at this time of year to celebrate Christian celebrations. It seems we pick and choose what fits us best and just ignore the others whose rights are being taken away also. Gives you something to think about eh?

Yeah I agree!!! Our goverment is pretty messed up. Our country gets off on the idea of bullying other countries and telling them how their counrties should be run. Wow, great way to win friends and influence people. For example the war in Iraq, I fully support the soldiers but I think our president made a mistake with this since we didnt find weapons and yeah the people of Iraq are now free but hell, we won our independence from England.. let those people win their own independence instead of the US going in there and looking like control freaks and trying to make everyone run things the way we do. That's just a point of how retarded our government is at times. The other thing I have a problem with is abortion, I mean seriously.. there are cases in which I could see getting one a rape victim who got pregnant or something like that... but most of these dumb whores go n spread their legs and dont think about the consequences, I think its completely ridiculous to have an innocent baby killed becuase the mother is a stupid whore. We still dont consider those babies "people" when they have a heartbeat and what not at under a month into the pregnancy... and yet we keep old people alive on machines when the only reason their heart is beating is because a machine is making it, and yet they still have all their human rights. This is just a prime example of how dummmb people are. God is a controvesial subject and I honestly feel everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If someone wants to sit in public and pray then its like w/e let them. I dont see the big deal about it as long as they are not trying to preach to others or force their ideas on other people. I hate it with a passion when people try to force their ideas on me. I just want to choke them and tell them to shove it cuz they really have no idea whats best for me when theythink they do. Its funny how some people just think they know everything when the truth is that they dont even know what it is that they dont know. Ignorance and arrogance. Gotta love it. I personally like the idea of going to live with the penguins then starting a penguin army and taking over the world and sterilizing stupid people. That way they dont have the chance to raise another generation of fuck ups. But thats just my own personal opinion. Stupid people shouldnt have sex. Thats my word of advice for the day.. if you're an idiot do us all a favor and keep it in your pants just in case a tragedy should occur and you'd create another version of youself. Much love,
!~!~!~ Lis!~!~!~!~!"

And what about that? Abortion and prayer in schools, I mean. And anything else that might be on your minds. What do you guys think? Voice your opinions, because we will both (my brother and I) listen!! his website is
Love from
Vigilante (a.k.a. Miranda)