Monday, June 13, 2005

Training Day 2, and Realizations

Yesterday was my last training day, and it went a lot smoother than last week's. I think I'm ready to go without a trainer now. Thank God for the people! I have so much fun at work. I love my job. I get to play with toys and little kids.. and I get paid for it. you just can't beat a job you love. Ok, if I was in the A/C, it'd be a lot better, because hey! It's Florida, it's hot, and it's humid. Sunshine State my foot. Liquid Sunshine State is more like it. It get to the point where you feel like you're walking through a wet sponge in 99 degree weather... fuuuuun.. But I get to play, so I'm happy. And my fellow cast members are great! Jacob had his wisdom teeth pulled Thursday, but he's already back to work.. Go Jacob! Juan is my favorite person. He's 15 like me and he's so nice. Jon kinda creeps me out a little. He's always asking me how I am doing, and if I understand the disney way. Victoria is cool, too. *Not gcool, but cool* She was in JROTC *pronounced Jay-Rot-See (that's a joke)* at her school, too.. so we bond over the toy rifles... MAD RIFLE SKILLS, YO! My trainers have both been awesome, so I have a great thing going on right now.
Sadly, my schedule (as of now) will not permit me to go to church... So I'm really reading my bible a lot. It makes me feel so much better.
Now for the realizations: I can't make other people happy, that's not my responsibility. Friends are the best things in the world. And my last realization: Goofy blonds are not dumb. Random, yes. But it's what I do.
So if you would all be so kind as to leave me comments, that would be great.
Much love,


Blogger alabamapenguin said...

sry blondie. I have been in Texas without internet access since sat. now i do because i'm at a friend's house using their internet access. they're soooooo nice. the hotel we were in had internet access but not the right kind. soo my dad was mad, i was mad, my mom was mad, we were all mad. ur comment is sooooooo true. goofy blondes are not dumb, their random. well i hope ur havin fun at work.


8:35 AM  

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